I've spent the first week of 2022 meeting with quite a few Beauty Pros who want to make a BIG Leap in 2022. While I’m always excited to hear and support the dreams of motivated people, there are a few things that came up time and time again that are keeping them from reaching their otherwise attainable goals. I thought I’d share them with you in hopes that those same things won’t keep you from your goals and dreams.
Here are the 3 reasons you won’t reach your 2022 goals:
1. You don’t know how much you made last week, last month and last year. So if that’s the case, how do you know if you reached your goals or fell short? The people I spoke with use their feelings. I can tell you that feeling like you’re making money or servicing a certain number of clients is THE MOST UNRELIABLE way to run your business.
One of the Stylist I met with, came to me because she wants to make sure that she makes 6 figures (or $100,000+) in 2022. But once I took a look at her business, it appears she’s already making that, but just didn’t know it! So then there’s the question, “Where’s Your Money, Honey?” The money's coming in, but you didn’t know it was that much, and you don’t have any idea where it went! On the flip side, I met with anther Stylist who thinks she’s making more than she is, because she feels pretty busy, most of the time, but can’t figure out why she’s struggling.
2. You think you need MORE CLIENTS, because you keep giving away your services.
a. Whether it’s discounting your regular prices to try to please people,
b. throwing in services without charging because if you charged for everything, your clients may not want them if they have to pay for them, or you fear they won’t come back.
c. Or maybe it’s because you haven’t raised your prices in years, that essentially you’re working for FREE, because once you pay for your rent and the increased cost of products, supplies and other expenses, there's nothing left. Or worse yet, you have to add your own money to the money you made at the salon to make it all work!
It doesn’t matter why, but if you don’t raise your prices to make sure each service is profitable, you will always feel like you need more clients. Yet in reality, adding more clients will actually make the problem worse. You need to fix the leak in your bucket (when you get new clients but they don’t come back, or only come back every 6 months or so), and 9 times out of 10, you need to raise your prices! Learning how to talk to your clients, to create relationships where they want to stay with you for ‘life’, even if you raise your prices, is the key.
Miki Wright has helped create 6 figure Stylists for years. Will you be next?
3. You’re not making $1,000 or more every week, especially if you’re in a Salon Suite. I love helping Stylists become Luxury Hairstylists, charging premium prices, living in their sweet spot and working smarter with fewer clients, with the time, energy and money to enjoy their family and other things they love. Typically they’re making $2,000, $3,000 and much more, working only a few days a week.
But before they can get there, they really need to be making $1,000 – 1,500 a week consistently and to have some systems in place to support their growth. It’s crazy, because way back in the 90’s getting my Hairstylists to the $1,000/week stage was the first goal I set for every single one. But in 2022, making a $1,000/week has to be the bottom of your earnings, or you are literally going out of business and may not realize it. Or, it may feel like you’re struggling all the time, or getting burned out.
So what’s the best cure for knowing how much you’re making, keeping your clients while raising your prices and making sure that you make, at least, $1,000/week? It’s a program that I designed to share the things I taught my own award winning team.
If you don’t know my story, I went from struggling to build my clientele, needing to go to get a 9-5 job to be able to pay my bills, to 6 months later having a full clientele and quitting my job. I then went on to become one of the first African Americans to own a full service Salon and Day Spa in the country. That Salon was ranked one of the 200 fastest growing salons in the country by Salon Today magazine, not just once, but for 3 consecutive years.
How did we do it? I learned from my own experience, then shared what I learned with my team and helped each one of them build a solid clientele – reaching that $1,000/week goal in 3-12 months. Now I want share it with you! The program is called Beauty Biz U: 90 Days to WOW! Ultimate Salon Success System
If you’re ready to make 2022 your best year yet and give yourself and your business a solid foundation to grow from, and truly create the career you've always dreamed of, I will walk you through it, step by step. Just to let you know how simple (yet powerful) this is, one of my Stylist started with me at age 14, and another was only 15 and hadn’t even started beauty school, they’ve now gone on to regularly have $1,500 days, not weeks, and this program is where it started for them. If any of those 3 reasons rings true for you, and 2022 is your year to make a change, click below to get started now and you'll get unlimited access!
24 HOUR FLASH SALE! For a limited time, get started for only $197 a month (with our 3-pay program), that’s less than $7 a day!
BONUS: Be one of the first 5 to get started in the next 24 hours (by Monday, January 10th, 2022 at 12 midnight, PST), and I'll meet with you for a 30 minute Private Coaching Session for FREE ($200 value)
P.S. If you're a Hairstylist or other Beauty Pro who is already consistently making $1,000-1,500/week and are ready to ditch the hustle, make more money and with fewer clients, The Luxury Hairstylist Blueprint is the move for you! Check it out and sign up at https://mikiwright.thinkific.com/courses/luxury
Miki Wright, founder of www.BeautySuperStars.com and host of the Beauty SuperStars Talk Podcast, is respected as a leader in the Beauty Industry. Wright, a Salon Pricing Strategist, has been a long time Educator at many of the top Hair Shows in the country. She continues to share her knowledge to help Beauty Pros create the clientele, income and lifestyle they desire with her FREE Webinar, Level Up! The Salon Pricing Masterclass and other online classes.
Beauty SuperStars Talk offers weekly interviews that celebrate Black Beauty Bosses who are excelling in the Beauty Industry and gives beauty enthusiasts a backstage pass to ‘Experts in Beauty’. Follow her on https://youtube.com/mikiwright
Wright is the former Owner of Fabulous Finishes Salon and Day Spa, which was one of the first African-American owned spa facilities in the country! In addition, her salon was selected by Salon Today Magazine as one of the “200 Fastest Growing Salons” in the country, for three consecutive years!